One Week to Tour De Cure

This past Saturday, I did a warm-up ride for the American Diabetes Association's Twin Cities Tour de Cure, biking 30.2 miles in 3 hours and 42 minutes, including breaks for snacks, etc. Given that my average pace, including break times, has been under 9 mph in 2 of the last 3 long bike rides I've taken this spring (pretty bad - not much time to train, given how long winter stretched into spring), I have decided to return to riding the 42 mile, rather than 62 mile, route. My commuter bike, loaded down with a luggage rack and bag to contain snacks, medical supplies, and other stuff, is just a bit too heavy to keep up the pace for the 62 (or 100) mile rides.

One thing I have found out, compared with riding my bike last year, is that Continuous Glucose Monitoring is truly a blessing on multi-hour bike rides for someone with Type 1 diabetes! The audible warnings of impending lows, and just being able to check the screen when taking a break, allows for such better, quicker monitoring than having to stop, take out testing supplies, etc. I hope someday all health insurance companies will cover CGM for insulin pump users; it is so helpful in making the most effective use of the pump!

In closing, I am still accepting donations. Thanks!


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