Evangelism at its best and worst

A couple days ago, I came across a facebook group called "Christian Republicans", one of those dreadful groups whose contents are all images of the "like or comment to [some meaningless gesture in support of God, country, troops, etc.]" variety. The first objectionable part of the group, to me, is its name: "Christian" and "Republicans" are neither synonyms nor antonyms. Nor, of course, are "Christian" and "Democrats", or any third party. I am sure God would find something to like, and much to dislike, about every political party. The disliked qualities may be taking stands not praising Him at every opportunity, or about shooting first, second, third, ..., and fiftieth and asking questions later, rather than turning the other cheek.

I came across this group via an image stating, "LIKE if... AMERICA SHOULD RETURN TO ITS CHRISTIAN VALUES!" What really infuriated me was seeing this comment among the thousands underneath the image:

we need to do it in a hurry before the gays take over

"we need to do it in a hurry before the gays take over"? What in the world does that mean? The most "aggressive" things I have heard about recently are movements to allow gay people and lesbians to share the right to marry whom they love, or to allow gay people to be in the Boy Scouts as troop members or leaders. How is sharing fundamental rights, not being excluded from groups, or being treated like (nearly?) equal citizens "taking over"?

Such facebook groups are utterly worthless forms of "evangelism". Posts like this bigot's post, presuming he was not writing ironically, only gives fuel to those who would dismiss all Christians as a bunch of rednecks. Even ignoring the comments and focusing solely on the post, such "like or comment" images are minimal effort praising at best, and worthless gestures at worst. I especially detest those that are supposed to "support our troops", sick kids in a hospital, destitute people, etc. Does that click do anything to help a jobless veteran get a job or the medical help he needs? Does that click put food in a hungry child's plate, or provide company to a lonely, scared child in a hospital?

How refreshing, then, to see on the front page of my local newspaper today a story about Mary Jo Copeland, being awarded the Presidential Citizens Medal for her work feeding, clothing, and sheltering the poor. That is what Jesus would do! Those are the Christian values that some allege are missing from the country.That is evangelism at its finest.

For I was hungry and you gave me something to eat, I was thirsty and you gave me something to drink, I was a stranger and you invited me in, I needed clothes and you clothed me, I was sick and you looked after me, I was in prison and you came to visit me. - Matthew 25:35-36


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