Crosstown project fails to draw a bid

From the "Duh" department:
Crosstown project fails to draw a bid

So, to paraphrase the "Wimpy" character from the old "Popeye" cartoons, MNDOT is saying to contractors, "I will gladly pay you Tuesday 2045 for a reconstructed Interstate exchange in the next year." And they are surprised that no one bid on the job? Sounds like some State leaders and transportation officials better take a refresher course in "Business for Dummies" and "Microeconomics for Complete Idiots"!

Meanwhile, delays mean yet more delays on much-needed reengineering of the Crosstown Commons, the Rodney Dangerfield of local highways. One of the most poorly designed interchanges in the State, it routinely has major traffic delays, and is the site of many accidents and a cause of the waste of untold gallons of gasoline. Here is a map for those unfamiliar with the site:

Map of State Hwy 62 & I 35w
Minneapolis, MN 55401, US

Here's hoping that, for perhaps the first time in history, politicians get some bit of sanity in dealing with this interchange and getting the funding for it, so that it might finally get some desparately needed improvement!


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