
Showing posts from April, 2015

Tour de Cure 2015

The obvious reason I ride in the American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure, as I did the last seven years, is because I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes 42 years ago. While I have seen amazing advancements in the treatment of diabetes over these decades, I look forward to further research and improvements. Most of all, I pray for the day that a cure is found. Sara reading to the boys In this eighth year that I ride in the Tour de Cure, I have more important reasons to ride, as shown in the photo on this page: my wife, Sara, and our twin boys. I would like to see a cure and, until that day, better treatments to ensure that I may share as long a life as possible with them. I want to see these two precious boys grow up, from their first day of school, to teaching them to ride bikes and join me on rides, to teaching them to drive, to teaching them to shave, to seeing their high school and, I hope, college graduation ceremonies. I would like to see how much Paul, whose face i