
Showing posts from 2016

Tour de Cure by American Diabetes Association: 2016 Twin Cities Tour de Cure

Why I ride: our boys I am participating in the American Diabetes Association's Tour de Cure for my ninth consecutive year, and would appreciate your support. Please follow the link below for more information. Tour de Cure by American Diabetes Association: 2016 Twin Cities Tour de Cure

The Jacket I Wear in the Snow

Here are a couple audio clips of Sara and Michael reading parts of The Jacket I Wear in the Snow . Paul and Michael were both sitting in Sara's lap as they read this bedtime story. The Jacket I Wear in the Snow

Java Applet Troubles

I apologize to those who may be trying to run some of the old Java applets on my site, especially the Mandelbrot and Julia Set applet , only to find that recent versions of the Java Runtime Environment have increased security requirements that now block these from running. I hope to find some time in the coming weeks to see if I might be able to make some changes that would allow these to work again. As I mention in the pages accompanying the applets, the jar files are downloadable, allowing running these applications as applications on one's own machine, rather than as applets within a browser.