
Showing posts from October, 2012

Why I Am Voting "NO" on the Minnesota Marriage Amendment

(and why I would encourage you to do the same) One of the biggest hot-button topics in Minnesota these days is the proposed Minnesota Same-Sex Marriage Amendment to be voted upon in the November 2012 elections. The amendment would "provide that only a union of one man and one woman shall be valid or recognized as a marriage in Minnesota". I reject this amendment for many reasons, that boil down to not supporting certain religious groups forcing their rules, which I believe to stem from a terrible misreading of their holy books, on all citizens of a state in a nation still subject to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment . Now, before you go off saying, "You're gay" (or the more common "your gay" found in the adolescent garbage filling so many web sites' comment sections on various topics), I will point out that I tested "exclusively heterosexual" on the Kinsey Scale , at least as tested by a Facebook app a few years ago. I